Idag är vi alla fransmän. Vive La France!

Utom vissa som kläcker ur sig vad som helst. Egoismen blommar hos vice statsminister Romson. Skäms du? Avgår du? Hur kan hon?
Hur många terrorister har vi i vårt land? Hur många släpper vi in idag?
American Thinker går hårt åt de skyldiga:
The names of the people responsible for the massacres in France are as follows:
1) François Hollande, president of France
2) Angela Merkel, prime minister of Germany
3) David Cameron, prime minister of the U.K.
4) Stefan Lofven, prime minister of Sweden
…as well as most of the other prime ministers and European heads of state. Oh, and we must include the pope, too, who insistently called on Europe to take in more Muslim refugees.
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Glöm inte Charlie Hebdo!